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  • 1Step


Losing a child is a life-changing event that no parent is ever prepared for. The pain and grief that follow can be overwhelming, leaving parents feeling lost and alone. In Journey, we understand the magnitude of this pain and offer a comprehensive one year program designed to support parents through their grief journey. In Journey, you will work closely with our experienced grief guides to work through the pain to honor the legacy of your precious child. Journey clients report that they are able to face each day without overwhelming and paralyzing grief. Journey is open to all parents who have experienced the loss of a child, regardless of their age or the circumstances of their death. Whether you are newly bereaved or have been on this journey for some time, we invite you to join us at Journey and take the first step towards healing and renewal.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.



2 Plans Available, From $497.00/month


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